The 12 Days of Christmas – Day 2 – Gabriel

12 DOC - Day 2

Today is about the angel, Gabriel.  A messenger from God, Gabriel is sent to see Zechariah, Mary and Joseph to personally deliver news about the birth of two boys. In each of Gabriel’s meetings with Zechariah, Mary and Joseph, Gabriel tells them, ‘do not be afraid’. (Luke 1:13, Luke 1:30, Matthew 1:20)


Here Gabriel is, telling Zechariah, whose wife is past child-bearing years and has never had a child, that she will have a son.  In addition to suddenly seeing an angel – which I imagine would be startling to say the least, and to receiving news that is seemingly impossible about having a child – Zechariah is told to not be afraid.


The next time we read about Gabriel, he is with Mary, telling her as a virgin, that she will conceive and have a son, and by the way Mary, do not be afraid. In that society and at that time, a pregnancy outside of marriage was a very scary thing.


Finally, Gabriel speaks to Joseph and tells him to not be afraid of taking Mary to be his wife.


From telling news that sounded impossible to Zechariah and Mary, to telling Joseph to take action that was opposite to what that society and time in history would expect and would accept, Gabriel’s consistent message was to not be afraid.


Fear is very powerful. While fear can sometimes protect us, fears can cripple us, immobilize us, and in some cases, destroy us. God and Gabriel knew that God’s word would be fulfilled and Gabriel would have known that with God in control, there was nothing to fear.  In Luke 1:19, Gabriel introduces himself by saying, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God,”.  By being close to God, Gabriel knew there was nothing for Zechariah, Joseph or Mary to fear about the news he was delivering to them from God.


God still speaks to people today. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” When He speaks something into a person’s life and when He is preparing a path for an individual to journey on, no matter how absurd or how impossible it may seem, there is nothing for any of us to fear. He wants us to trust Him and to walk the path He has set before us in trust, not in fear.


Thank God Zechariah, Mary and Joseph did not allow fear to dissuade them from the message delivered to them by Gabriel.


I am so encouraged by the messages Gabriel delivered to Zechariah, Mary and Joseph and for the common message to each of them to not be afraid. As I attempt to step out in obedience with this blog, fear is the biggest hurdle I have to work around. It would be much easier to list a number of reasons (aka excuses) of why I can’t or shouldn’t be putting my time and effort into writing at this time. However, I feel that the call to write is unmistakable for me right now and when I focus on that and as I draw ever closer to God, the fear that threatens to overtake and overwhelm me disappears.


I pray that as you read this post, that you will be able to move forward in whatever it is that God is speaking into your life without fear. That when fear threatens to consume and destroy, you will call on God, grow in your relationship with Him and move closer to Him so that the fear is diminished and defeated allowing God to carry out the purpose He has in store for you.

As courage grows and boldness is birthed, I pray that you will trade your will for His will and that glory and honour to God will be abundant throughout your life in everything that is said and done. For God has not given to us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7.


As we go through this Christmas season, remember the common message Gabriel delivered – Do not be afraid. Powerful words to live by, and challenging words to incorporate into our lives.

Be blessed.

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